Interaction Design

In search of beauty and functionality, analyzing fundamentals of human rituals.

Interaction is the wide gestural and behavioral category framing humans at the trial of designing adaptive strategies, functional and necessarily, consistently beautiful.
Either genetical reproduction or the act of efficiently facing natural and inter-groups competitions and adversities, has been fostering our inner-species/species-to-species/species-to-nature interaction skills.

When we talk about interaction, we assume that humans's vast symbolic system of tools is the center of any strategy to organize and keep open and aware the relationship between given natural, technical or functional articulations and pertinent, proficient and individual results: understanding, using, altering and transmitting.

In a time of highly diversified though interrelated stratification of knowledges, interaction design is the discipline that intends to transform any given data in an open question to individuals' creativity and imaginative experience: the ignited cycle of knowledge and practice is then the unlimited cycle of culture, where pretending, adding, projecting and improving, happen in a continuous, endless virtuoso movement.

The given points of an interaction design process:

  • An Open Object (anything can be open, anything can be expressed in a symbolic representation).
  • Investigation Query (anything can be interrogated, assuming a certain degree of abstraction and functional intentionality).
  • Reaction (there's always a meaningful answer to a meaningful question).
  • Satisfaction (accordingly to a degree of investigation accuracy, there's a linear degree of satisfaction).
  • Reiteration and further Interaction (adjusting the accuracy of the representation, the functional and aesthetic meaning of the Object can be improved and ultimately re-thought or re-oriented).
  • Synthesis or temporary use (any synthetical step is a temporary state, lasting the necessary time of a consolidated practice in a consolidated group).
  • Back to the Open object, the cycle starts again (the argument of an Object assumes a state of constant open improvement and it's part of a wider definition of information technology: stopping the cycle and implementing the Object composite consistency is always possible but do not define the interaction cycle, that is socially and ecologically open and based on the interactive idea itself of the Object).

Designing interactive dimensions and contexts requires the assumption that the Interactive Cycle is the goal and the Object is eventually a social platform for boosting logical systems into future ecologies.

Interaction Design Works

October 14, 2014

June 26th/October 18th 2015Interactive Sound…

June 15, 2015

October 13, 2013

A sound and immersive urban…

October 13, 2013

October 15, 2013