Karl Marx Bonsai


For the Festival 48hours Neukoeln, Plastique Fantastique asked Lorenzo Brusci to design the sonorization of one of their Pneumatic Architectures. The inflated yellow plastic ball was for 4 days located in Karl Marx Strasse, one of the most popular and multicultural among Berlin’s neighborhoods.

The Karl Marx Bonsai project consisted of one trunk, one garbage can and three benches that were temporarily merged into one walkable inflated structure: the Flowerpot.

The newly generated pot-space was experienced, animated and amplified by sound – the Flower-Catalyzer. The protected and isolated new soundscape was able to create an immersive urban sonic island within the surroundings: just a really thin plastic membrane, vibrated by the sound, acted as a threshold between two really different perceptive experiences. This condition brought people to question the relationship between private and public space and the way they experience their everyday environment and realize how it is affected by noise pollution.

Lorenzo Brusci’s compositions and the live acts of Marco Barotti gave birth to a vibrating pneumatic sound-system.


Additional Info

  • location: Berlin GE
  • client: Plastique Fantastique, Berlin City
  • interactive design: Lorenzo Brusci

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